Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Peppermint Sugar Scrub

Have you ever used scrubs? Are you curious about the effects scrubs have on your hands or feet?  Worry no more!  Scrubs have become the norm for quite sometime now.  Using scrubs has become a normal routine for some. For others, scrubs are viewed as a luxury item.

Scrubs aid in the removal of dead skin cells and calluses from your feet.  They are also used on the hands to help soften and moisturize.   Scrubs can usually be applied every other day or less based on the condition of your feet. The first step in the use of scrubs is fill a basin with warm water.  You can also use hot water (as hot as you can stand it). If you do not have a basin you can sit on the side of the bath tub and place you feet in the tub with warm water.

The second step is to soak your feet for two minutes (or less). This step helps soften calluses and dead skin for easy removal. If you desire, you can add one to two tablespoons of a carrier oil (olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, etc.) to the warm water to aid in softening, repairing, or mositurizing your skin.  Afterward you time has elasped take about one tablespoon of scrub and rub onto your feet in a circular motion. Make sure to cover your entire feet. You can apply the scrub with your hands, a bath cloth, a bath glove, or a bath sponge. Once applied use a pumice stone to help remove calluses and dead skin.

Let your feet soak for a few more minutes. Rinse your feet thoroughly and pat dry with a towel. Do not rub your feet.  The excess oils that are left on the feet should be massaged into your skin. If you used a scrub that is not oil based follow with a lotion or cream and massage into your feet. Now you can put on your moisturizing socks or cotton socks.  Wearing the mositurizing socks help hold mositure in your skin and keeps your soft and silky.

Massaging the oils or the lotion into your feet will help with circulation.  Peppermint essential oil also promotes circulation. Camphor essential oil helps with tired feet and clove essential oil helps with smelly feet. When deciding to purchase scrubs decide what outcome you would like to have. The essential oils, as well as the carrier oils, have specific outcomes. Some oils repair dry damaged skin, moisturize dry skin, and some oils soften the skin.  The key is to find products that are 100% natural, without any chemicals.

Happy srubbing!!

For more information please contact me at

Fear of the Unknown

Overcome with bravery and courage.

What's holding you back? What is it that you desire the most? Last night I went to bed late. I tossed and turned most of the night. I even tried a breathing exercise twice to help relax my mind and body. That didn't exactly work! My mind was cluttered with images and thoughts. My thoughts were things that happened that day, things that I want to do, things that the kids and I need, things that I would like to do and acquire, and other things in general that most take for granted.  Then my thoughts went to the things that I was doing wrong and the wrong others have and are doing to me now.

Does all of that stuff really matter? No! They don't. They don't matter because God is in control of everything. God provides for us whether we want to realize it or not. He stands with us during our trials and tribulations. It is our responsibility to turn to Him during our time of greatest need. Have you done that? Are you willing to do that? Sometimes He will make it so that we don't have a choice.

I was in stages 1 and 2 for most of the night. I found myself dreaming, if you will, about trying to get away from my ex-husband. I can't remember what the kids and I were doing before we started running. I motioned to my son to grab my purse because it had my phone it.  We were in a house. I don't know whose house it was or how we ended up there.  We ran down a hall and went into this room and shut the door. I was leaning on the door to keep my ex-husband out because of the force he was using to get in. He tried to grab my foot from under the door. When he couldn't he kept poking a knife under the door to try and stab me in the foot.

Come on now! With the space between the door and the floor this is not even possible. At any rate, I found myself kicking in my sleep. Trying to keep him from stabbing my foot. I leaned my body up against the wall and put my feet on the door to keep it secure so that I could call the police. My you my ex is 6 feet 2 inches tall and about 250 lbs.

That dream was more about my fears and the things, or people, that are holding me back from accomplishing my goals. Let's dig deep peopl!!!! What are you fearful of? I thought about all of the things that I wanted to do. I wanted to be a model. I had the size and the look of a model before I had my daughter. I let my ex-husband talk me out of it. We weren't even married at the time. Whose stopping you? Or, who are you blaming? Don't hinder yourself. Get rid of the excuses and turn to God. 

Visit this link about the stages of sleep:


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Swirl Effect

Sandalwood Cream
Hi all,

This is one of my latest creations.  This soap smells so good. I wanted to create a scent just for the men. This one can be used by the entire family.  My initial goal with this blend was to create a swirl effect.  As you can see that didn't happen! Although it is a two-tone blend.  Back to the drawing board for me! My motto is to never give up. 

I have been making natural soaps for just over a year now.  My first blend was hilarious! I had to throw the batch in the trash.  All I could think about was how much money I had just wasted for the ingredients that went into that batch.  It took me about a week to try it aagain. My thoughts immediately went to the melt and pour bases.  I told myself that I could not give up and to jump back it.  Stop waiting, just do it.  During that same time I met this lady who was into natural soapmaking.  She gave me her number and told me to give her a call if I needed help. Well, I did! I called her to get directions to her place, loaded up the car and the rest is history. 

My second batch was highly successful with the help of Minka Weaver.  From that point on I had everything under control.  Or so I thought.  My creativity had stifled. Now I wanted to learn the hot process method using a crockpot.  Here comes the jitters! The first batch turned out okay and I was happy.  I accomplished another goal. Now here we are once again, learning the swirl technique and coloring natural soap.  Keep trying, right! That's what I intend to do.

Blessings, 'til we meet again!!